Empowering leadership in General Practice through resourcing concepts, ideas and talent.

About the Trust

Purpose of the Trust

The South Link Education Trust was established in 2003 to assist General Practices within the South Island for the purposes of:

  1. Supporting community-based health care initiatives where secondary care services are being devolved to a community level.
  2. Supporting education regarding disease prevention and promoting efficiency and effectiveness of community-based health service providers and their communities.
  3. Furthering the education and training of general medical practitioners in the South Island.
  4. Furthering the development of comprehensive and integrated primary care services for those communities.
  5. Education of health administrators, legislators and others responsible for making decisions regarding primary health care that impact on those communities.
  6. Promotion of education about primary health care and primary health care providers generally.
  7. Assisting movements, groups, charitable trusts and other organisations which exist to promote or are endeavouring to promote any of the above purposes.
Board of Trustees

The Trust is administered by a Board of Trustees. Each member of the Board shall hold office for a term of five years.

The current members of the Board are:

Stephen Higgs
Stuart McLauchlan
David Lewis
Murray Tilyard

Board Meeting Schedule

The Board of Trustees meets quarterly with meetings scheduled in:


If you wish to submit a request for funding to the Trust then please complete the Request for Funding application form.

If you have any queries please Contact Us.